I’m sitting in front of Isothermal College, watching the geese. Some are going for a walk. some are hanging out on shore, but the ones in the water have caught my attention today.
There is a cluster of them just floating happily. Slightly separated from the group is a single Canadian Goose in the center of a widening ring of ripples.
She throws her head back and tips herself completely upside down, legs swinging up in the air! Then she rights herself sideways and flaps her wings. What a bath indeed!
Honks from her flock companions reach my ears as I watch her aqua-aerobics. She flips again and again, flapping, splashing, and living her best goose life!
I started contemplating the different sides to these iconic birds. I’ve lived around them my entire life, and as anyone in the same situation knows, you don’t mess with Canadian geese, especially during breeding season.
They are fierce and fearless defenders of their young. Most of us have stories of being chased away or even attacked, and they couldn’t care less if you’re a small child or a body builder. They’re equal opportunity and will go after anyone who steps too close to the nest with violent enthusiasm.
Having been a mother for 15 years now, I can say on more than one occasion where may inner Mama Goose has flared! I’d do anything for my kids, who have my whole heart.
Canadian Goose Energy embodies endurance, protection, abundance, and tenacity. But today I was humored to be witness to all that seriousness being balanced with a pinch of silly, like doing summersaults in the water during bath time. Silly Goose!